The Bajan Vegan

On a quest for wholesome living

Old Years, New Years

The transition from one year into another, the stroke of midnight, those minute fractions of a second, what do they really mean?

Traditionally, New Years is a time of resolutions. For most of my adult life, it has been a time of reflection, introspection and renewal, rather than one of resolutions.

The dawn of 2020 was one of dread, followed by indescribable, almost unbearable loss, immeasurable grief, disbelief of what had happened, fear of the future.

The changeover from 2021 to 2022 was dominated by exhaustion: mental, emotional and physical; wonder at the maelstrom that continued from the Old, into and throughout the New. In retrospect, I learnt many lessons in 2022 and much about myself. I acknowledged vulnerability, uncertainty and disappointment; discovered resilience and determination that still often surprise me and was also reminded (many times!) that I am a work in progress.

At Midnight, December 31, 2022, fireworks illuminated the sky as well as overwhelming feelings of loneliness, sadness, and the harsh reality of what now will never be. Almost instantaneously, I also felt a sense of hope, of calm and peace; surely signs of the existence of some higher power.

There is much to be done, and very much more that I would like to do, for which there seems to be too little time.

These are lessons in patience: working little by little towards the “big picture,” doing the best that we can.

These are also lessons in gratitude: recognising that what we have at any given time is enough.

May we realize and appreciate the good in 2023.

Blessings and Peace.